[2] Prostitutes may work birli regular employees with contract and also supposed to register with the local authority which provides them a certificate of registration, colloquially called Hurenpass, though the vast majority work independently.[62] Brothels are registered businesses that need a special brothel licence;[42] if food and alcoholic drinks are offered, the standard restaurant licence is also required.
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According to Klaus Bayerl, head of the Kriminalpolizei Augsburg, the large brothels created since 2002 are facilities in which official directors are irreproachable persons, while the background, the brothels are run by pimps or criminal gangs and almost always have close ties to organised crime.[87]
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The conservative parties in the Bundestag, while supporting the goal of improving prostitutes' access to the social security and health care system, have opposed the new law because they want to retain the "offending good morals" status.
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